A stay at the Agritourism San Giacomo Horses, located in Lombardy, in Arluno (District of Milan), will allow you to visit EXPO 2015 and other events in Lombardy.
Expo 2015
Starting from the 1st of May until the 31st of October 2015, Milan, in Lombardy, is going to host the biggest event ever organised about feeding and nutrition: EXPO 2015.
The Lombard county seat will be turned into, for six months, a real universal showcase, where the Countries that participate to this event will seize the opportunity to show the state of the art of their technologies to guarantee their ability to face what is considered an essential demand: providing safe and healthy food that is also balanced with the longing of every population, keeping in mind the equilibrium of the Planet.
EXPO Milano 2015 will become the platform for a debate of ideas and shared solutions about the theme of nutrition, it will encourage the Country creativity, and support innovations aimed to bring a more sustainable future.
Moreover, EXPO Milano 2015 is going to offer the opportunity to everyone to know and sample the best dishes in the world, and meeting the excellences of the many gastronomic and agricultural traditions of every participating Country.

L’Albero della Vita a Expo 2015 foto imnews
Battaglia e Palio di Legnano
The Palio of Legnano, a town located in the District of Milan, in Lombard, is the complex of celebrations for commemoration relative to the famous Battle of Legnano, clash that occurred on the 29th of May 1176. It was an important victory of the Municipalities, allied together in the Lombardy League against the imperial army led by Frederick I called Barbarossa.
One of the most important and peculiar elements of the Palio is represented by the historic parade, which requires several months of work and fine preparation at the manor houses. The last horse race and the parade take place on the last Sunday of May. The parade counts more than 1,200 walkers-on, bringing old items and wearing costumes realised according to the regulations stated by a dedicated committee, which examines the relevance of the decorations to the represented times.
Within the scope of the parade, which crosses the entire city, from East to West, the eight hamlets play a pre-defined role, representing a specific aspect of the medieval life, such as jugglers, musicians, and street artist, but also referring to the farmers’, soldiers’, and courtiers’ life, not to forget the magic element.
The Carroccio, in the rear of the parade, marches escorted by foot soldiers and the famous Fellowship of Death, which concludes the cortège. The fellowship of death was led, at the time, by the legendary condottiero Alberto da Giussano, whose monument, realised by the sculptor Enrico Butti, has become the symbol of the town.
In the morning, before the parade and the race, they celebrate the Mass in San Magno square, on the Carroccio; the religious ritual is followed, then, by the investiture of the Captains and the blessing of the jockeys who will run the Palio.

Il Carroccio durante la sfilata storica del Palio di Legnano
Battaglia Di Magenta
The Battle of Magenta, a town located in the District of Milan, in Lombard, is connected to the history of the Second War of Italian Independence. The conflict that occurred in Magenta, on the 4th of June 1859, had on its fields 55,792 Austrian soldiers against 47,517 French-Piedmontese soldiers.
The battle represents the first conflict from which began the unstoppable process of the Italian Unification.
Traditionally, every year, the Battle of Magenta is commemorated through an historical reenactment that counts the participation of many walkers-on and a crowd of visitors. Giacobbe House, the monument that still shows the marks and the testimonies of such clash, has become, today, an expository location and a conference centre of the museum of this conflict.
Abbiategrasso, located in the District of Milan, in Lombardy, has been inhabited since the Bronze Age. In Celtic, its name means “place of the fertile ground and rich of water”. But, in the town of Abbiategrasso, also the roots of the taste are deep.
In fact, Abbiategrasso represented, during the Roman Age, a pole of excellence to the empire regarding livestock, wine and oil production, and cultivation of cereals. The town has begun to reach its today’s appearance between 1200 and 1400, which is the time when the Visconti and the Sforza families ruled the town. The cloister of the Annunciata, the Visconteo Castle, and the town emblem with the rampant lion, come from this exact epoch.
Abbiategusto, which can claim the title of National Fair, is included amongst the most relevant wine-and-food exhibitions, in order to promote the Lombard typical products. Over the past few years, it has become a synonym of quality and excellence, regarding both the typical prducts of this territory and the products connected to the Slow Towns imported from abroad.
It is not just a simple wine-and-food exhibition or a fair, but an event that enlivens the whole town through the taste for foods, the joy for arts, and the conviviality, as well as the interest to discover far and near towns through the knowledge of the good board.
A three-day event of the taste of particular value, in the land of the famous Gorgonzola, to which a crowded delegation of international and domestic Slow Towns.
It will be possible to sample and buy products of the Lombard, national, and international wine and food, from the vegan cookery to the organic products, to the bakery, not to forget the fermented products, the spirits, and the wines.
In order to examine in depth the topic of the taste, this town offers three different locations. The main meeting point between consumers and manufacturers is the Fair District, while the wonderful Visconteo Castle, which also hosts the Winehouse, is the place in which cellars samplings of gourmet dishes and excellences will take place, and where some thematic performances will be played. The chef Massimo Spigaroli, on the other hand, will amaze his guests with inspired recipes, in the City Council Hall.

Abbiategusto di Abbiategrasso foto sagreneiborghi
Artigiano in Fiera – Milano
A sojourn at the Agritourism San Giacomo Horses, located in Lombardy, in Arluno (District of Milan), will allow you to take part into the event called Artisanship in Fair, in Milan.
Founded in 1996, this exhibition pursued the aim to give prestige and gather attention on the artisanship, as well as on its undoubted great quality and production capability, through an exhibition entirely dedicated to this industry. A new and wide “Trade Fair” dedicated to the small artisan business, which finds on this occasion, a fortunate opportunity for its growth and its promotion.