When you stay at Relais Valcastagno, situated in Numana, in Marches, in Ancona district, will give you the possibility to take part to the most beautiful festivals in colours, flavours and sounds of the Conero Regional Park.
Offagna in Fiore
In Offagna, a wonderful medieval hamlet in Ancona district, there’s the yearly blooming Offagna market show, an interesting festival about flowers and gardens. There are many events during the festival, including a gastronomic stand.
Cantine Aperte
The Open Cellars festival, created by the Wine Tourism Movement, is about the wine tastings taking place in each company’s cellars taking part to the event. In May all the tourists in the Riviera del Conero will have the possibility to taste the Rosso Conero as well as many other specialties of this wonderful and incredible treasure in Marche.
Settimana del Brodetto
In Porto Recanati, situated in Macerata district, in June, there’s one of the most important meetings for those who love cooking, the Brodetto week. Brodetto is the typical dish in Porto Recanati, which owns one of the four historical recipes of the gastronomy in Marche along with San Benedetto del Tronto, Ancona and Fano.
Rokka Race Transubike
Rokka Race Transubike is a bicycle race organized by the A.S.D. Rokka Bike. It is an exciting experience consisting in going to discover the nature and the land of the region with a bicycle.
Offagna Buskers Festival
In June in Offagna, in Ancona district, there’s the famous Offagna Buskers Festival. The streets of the ancient village will be animated by street artists for two days, the artists will accompany with their art the tourists moving through the streets of one of the most beautiful villages in Riviera del Conero. The beautiful medieval village will become a natural stage for musicians, jugglers, actors and many other characters. A craft market will also unwind through the streets of the village and will become a perfect stop fort the traditional shopping lovers.

Feste Medievali Offagna foto cultmarche
Le Feste Medievali
The Medieval Festivals in Offagna, a medieval village in Ancona district, take place on the last week of July since 1988. The old town centre roads, in a suggestive setting, are animated by peasants, soldiers, musicians, and jesters. To make everything more exciting, every part of the village in which the festival is done is lightened exclusively by torches.
Contesa dello Stivale
Every year, on the first Sunday of August, the historical commemoration called Contesa dello Stivale takes place. It is an historical event dating back to the 1466, when the Magistrate of Osimo, after some fights between Osimo and Filottrano, now both in Ancona district, that created problems in the relation between the two villages, decided to send a punitive expedition.
Some Filottrano nobles were imprisoned and caught. While escaping from a raid, a man from Osimano left one boot there. The fact was taken as a victory in Filottrano.
Except for the 1468, every year a puppet with a boot is created as a joke. At the end, it is burned between jeers and jokes.

Contesa dello stivale
Festa del Rosso Conero
An exclusive holiday in Relais Valcastagno, situated in Numana, in Marche in Ancona district, will give you the possibility to take part to the Rosso Conero festival, an ode to one of the best wines of the region.
The festival takes place in Camerano, in Ancona district, and it is a great occasion to appreciate this wonderful aromatic wine with its ruby red color, as well as taking part to the other events organized for the festival.