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Typical festivals and main events in Emilia-Romagna

Motori e sapori, photo by gazzetadimodena

Motori e Sapori, Graspalonga Gourmet, Etra Festival

If you visit Castelfranco, in Emilia-Romagna, in March, you will have the chance to take part in the fair “Motori e Sapori” (Motors and Flavours), which not only allows you to taste the typical food of the region, but also allows you to see different means of transport on display, ancient and modern.

In June, however, the best festivities that are held in and around Modena are very concentrated.

One of these is called “Vignola è tempo di ciliegie” (Vignola it’s time for cherries) and consists of a kind of festival of this delicious fruit. Castelvetro is still the main star of another event, this time called “Graspalonga Gourmet” where the focus is on the tasting of typical products of the village. The Festival called “Etra” instead takes place in Vignola and is very special because in addition to taking place over several days, since there are dates in both July and August, it takes place outdoors.

On the poster in fact appears the words “Festival di arte al contrario” (Art festival in reverse) because it indicates a particular art, composed of ballets, music, dances, theater, performances, all held under the starry sky.

Dama vivente, photo by vivomodena

Typical festivals

Dama Vivente, Sagra del Lambrusco, 800 e dintorni

The festival that takes place in Castelvetro in September and that is called “Dama Vivente”, takes its name because it is in Renaissance style and is held near the Castle of Castelvetro.

In the same period and always in the same village there is also the famous “Sagra del Lambrusco”, and in Spilamberto there is the event “800 e dintorni”, in December.

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