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Wild herbs, goat and rabbit in the Western Liguria

Capra e fagioli bianchi 

The Goat with white beans is a typical recipe in the hinterland of Liguria where the goat meat is very appreciated and is the protagonist of the festival Rocchetta Nervina that takes place in August. The best meat comes from a young goat with soft meat, cut into pieces and browned in a pan with olive oil and chopped onion, celery, carrots and bacon. While cooking, other ingredients are added as red wine, rosemary, bay leaf, thyme and oregano and a tablespoon of tomato pulp. The white beans are boiled separately and then added to the goat when the cooking is almost finished. This rustic and tasty dish is served with toasted bread slices.

capra-e-fagioli bianchi foto ricetteliguri

Capra e fagioli bianchi foto ricetteliguri

Ravioli di Borragine

The Ravioli di Borragine are a traditional main course of this region. The borragine is a wild herb with a slightly bitter flavour used for the filling of the Ravioli with ricotta cheese. Other herbs can be added with the borragine, such as beets, to offset the bitter flavour and get a delicate one. The egg pasta used for the Ravioli is cut into the typical rectangular or squared shapes. The Ravioli of Borragine were traditionally served only with grated cheese. Today they are great served with butter and sage, tomato sauce or meat sauce. Some variations of this recipe include meat in the filling for a more rich result.

Coniglio all’apricalese

The Coniglio all’apricalese or Coniglio alla ligure ( Rabbit dish)  is a tasty recipe. The rabbit is cut into pieces leaving the liver aside. The pieces obtained are browned in a pan with olive oil and garlic, chopped onion, thyme, rosemary, bay leaves. These aromas exalt the white meat of the rabbit. Then you can add salt, pepper and some glasses of red wine. The rabbit is cooked in low heat for about an hour and it creates a tasty sauce. Before the end of the cooking the liver of the rabbit has to be smashed and added to the rest, everything is completed with black olives and then the heat can be turned off. A meat dish that is a real specialty!

Coniglio_alla ligure

Coniglio alla ligure

Pansarole e zabaglione

The Pansarole allo zabaglione or zabaione is a typical dessert in Liguria, and Apricale town organizes a festival about it every year. The dough is prepared with flour, sugar, eggs, anise liquor, butter and milk, yeast, vegetable oil. The dough is rolled out in a sheet and is cut into stripes that are fried in vegetable oil until they become golden and swollen. Then the pansarole are sprinkled with sugar and they are delicious and ready to eat. But to make this dessert more delicious you can serve them with some bowls full of eggnog in which you can dip them. The eggnog is prepared in a traditional way too with egg yolks, sugar and marsala. Everything has to be served hot.

Lots of other specialties are awaiting you in Liguria!

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