Visiting Apulia, choosing to stay in the Turenum Apartment & B&B, doesn’t only mean enjoying a privileged position to visit Trani, but it also means discvover the flavors of the Apulian tradition: dishes that smell of “home”.
Alici arracanate
An amazing tasty dish composed by baked anchovies with a dressing composed by breadcrumbs, mint, garlic and minced capers with vinegar and a sprinkling of oregano.
Orata alla pugliese
Since Trani is a seaside town, most of the times you will find tasty fish based dishes. Among these there’s the orata alla pugliese (sea bream) that is cooked in the oven with salt and pepper and sprinkled with parsley, melted butter and wine.

Orata alla pugliese, photo by agrodolce
Zuppa di pesce
Another typical dish of the poorest culinary tradition is the fish soup which in ancient times was made with fish waste. Today instead it is made with different types of fish, clams and crustaceans cooked in a broth made with the used fish’s waste.
Strascinati con le cime di rapa
You can’t visit Apulia without trying a dish of strascinati with turnip tops. True symbol of the Apulian cousine, this particular pasta type is made by dragging it on the work surface, from which you get this name. The strascinati are then served with a seasoning based on garlic, oil, anchovies, chili pepper, in which turnip tops are sauted.
Patate riso e cozze o Tiella barese
Another typical traditional dish is the tiella barese made with poor food like rice, mussels, potatoes, onions, tomatoes, garlic and pecorino cheese coked inside a clay pot called tiella.
Spaghetti alla San Giuannin
A really simple to make dish with an incredible taste, are the spaghetti alla San Giuannin. Being made with poor foods they manage to satisfy the diners’s appetite: the spaghetti are seasoned with a sauce based on San Marzano or cherry tomatoes, chili pepper, capers and anchovies.

Cartellate, photo by cucinageek
Cartellate are tasty sweets from the Apulian tradition, usually cooked for Christmas and that stand out for a shape similar to a rose and for an exquisite flavor given by the honey or the vincotto with which they are seasoned.
Frittata di Lampascioni
This dish is made with one of Salento’s most ancient vegetables, it’s a really simple dish that gives an explosion of taste on the palate. The main ingredient is the lampascione a herbaceous plant similar to the spring onion, but with a bitterish taste. For this reason it’s left to soak for a whole day then put together with eggs, cheese, garlic, soaked bread and parsley.
A typical sweet of Trani’s easter holidays is the scarcella, a kind of shortbread donut also composed by many colors on which’s surface a whole egg is placed.