During your stay at Canosa di Puglia in the province of Barletta-Andria-Trani, in Apulia, you will have the chance to take part in the Medieval times, good music and other events in Andria area, events and festivals that are organized every year in this beautiful region.
During the last ten days of April Andria hosts the beautiful FIERA D’APRILE (APRIL Fair), also called Classica di Primavera (Spring Classic). And this magnificent exhibition has seen 577 springs! The festival is celebrated in honour of St. Richard and the discovery of the relics that took place on April 23rd, 1438 under the altar of Andria cathedral. That year Duke Francesco II Del Balzo granted the University of Andria the opportunity to organize a fair free from all taxes, lasting for eight days, from the 23rd to the 30th April each year. Even today, the April Fair falls at the same time to commemorate the patron saint of the city and it is an opportunity to celebrate the beauty and cultural richness of this beautiful village. The town hosts concerts, exhibitions, fairs, wine tasting, medieval events and many other events in its streets and squares. During the fair all the museums and churches are open to visitors.
In July in Barletta, you can admire IL GIOCO DEL FAZZOLETTO DI GINEVRA (GINEVRA’S HANDKERCHIEF GAME), a unique and compelling jousting tournament. The game is dedicated to Ginevra of Monreale, a literary character created by the pen of author Massimo D’Azeglio. Ginevra’s handkerchief is the prize for the rider who stands out in the challenges on horseback, archery and other spectacular stunts. The event is a real show organized by stuntmen from Cinecitta, and even with casting sessions to choose the extras. The tournament takes place in the beautiful setting of the castle, while the streets of the city will be filled with flag wavers, jugglers and people in costume to keep the party going after the conclusion of the races.

Il Gioco del Fazzoletto di Ginevra foto gianluigibelsitoeventi
In July Minervino Murge hosts the SAGRA DEL TARTUFO MURGIANO ( MURGIA TRUFFLE FESTIVAL). The woods of Murgiano are renowned for the collection of truffles, especially for black and white truffles. For the occasion, you can take part in tastings of traditional regional dishes, served with the precious truffle. Events dedicated to popular music from Puglia contribute to liven up the event.
The FESTIVAL CASTEL DEI MONDI is held in Andria in August. This international festival now at its nineteenth edition, is dedicated to culture, music and theatre. The events on offer are many and varied, given the duration of the festival which is scheduled for the whole month of August. From electronic and digital installations, to book presentations, theatrical performances, experimentation is key to this festival that hosts both Italian and international artists. Much space is given to younger theatre companies and emerging artists, and the festival gives a lot of importance to the connection of different artistic expressions, often complex, as our time also is. There is music with underground artists shows that include pop, rock, jazz, soul genres.