Frascatula ai finocchietti selvatici
The frascatula ai finocchetti is a typical recipe of Enna. The frascatula is a porridge made with corn flour or wheat common in the entire island. It’s a dish of poor origin that was flavored with wild vegetables depending on the season. The frascatula with fennel is one of many variations that requires also wild chicory or borage. Today there are many delicious versions with vegetables such as cabbage and broccoli, for a more delicate flavor. In preparation, the frascatula is boiled in the water where the vegetables have been cooked because it absorbs the flavor. Today this poor dish is enriched with a sauce with garlic, olive oil, lard and bacon. Perfect for cold winter days.

Buccellati photo blog.giallozafferano
The Buccellati are great Christmas desserts. Also called Buccellato or cucciddatu, its traditional form is a donut, the perfect Christmas cake, but today is also prepared in other periods of the year and into several smaller shapes, buccellati or cucciddatini. It’s a rich and colorful dessert, made with puff pastry, stuffed with dried fruit in abundance, such as almonds, walnuts, pistachios, raisins, dried figs, and then orange, cinnamon, honey, vanilla, all ingredients typical of Sicilian cuisine , with slight variations from one area to another. White icing sugar and colorful decorations make it even more inviting and perfect for holidays!
Gateau di riso all’ennese
The rice Gateau of Enna is a traditional rice timbale perfect for holidays and Sundays. It’s a dish that can also be considered a single course because of the abundance of the ingredients. They prepare a rich sauce with ground beef and peas to season rice which then is placed in layers in a baking dish along with fried eggplant and hard boiled eggs, cheese and butter. The baking will give the gateau the right consistency and the flavors are perfectly mixed. The rice gateau or timbale is a common dish in Sicily with different variations depending on the area.

Meatloaf with milk
Polpettone al latte
The meatloaf with milk or meatloaf of Sicily is a second course of meat very used in Sicily. The meatloaf is a traditional Sunday dish and requires a long preparation. At the base of the loaf there is bread, or the bread crumbs, which is left soften in the milk. To this compound are added the minced beef and the egg to make the dough. The meatloaf is prepared with a filling that can contain boiled eggs or cheese and sliced ham. Is often served with meat sauce. Once cooked, the meatloaf should rest and cool in order to create the perfect slices without damaging the filling, for this reason it will be eaten lukewarm or sometimes almost cold.