Staying at the wonderful eighteenth-century Locanda degli Ulivi, located in Arcugnano district of Vicenza, in Veneto, it will be possible to participate in Jazz and traditions in Vicenza area.
La Faida di Montecchio
Every year, on the 1st of May, the Faida di Montecchio takes place, in the district of Vicenza in Veneto; this is one of the most nationally awaited events, the protagonists of which for a few daysare the castles.
The exhibition, which occurs on top of the hill of the Scaliger strongholds, is a historic remembrance depicting fifteenth-century life of a medieval hamlet. The whole town is permeated by a typical medieval atmosphere to make people live again the historical duel between the Capuleti and Montecchi lineages, but also to enjoy the colours and the flavours of the late 15th century.
The participants wear typical medieval costumes, and along the path that connects the two castles, they have rebuilt a market characteristic of those times, with taverns, artisan workshops and sellers, but also exhibitions of fire-eating and jugglers, archers, and armed guards.
Who wins the highest number of trials will receive the final prize, the palio, a cloth made by the famous and admired painter Felice Cosentino; the winning team will keep the cloth until the following edition of the challenge. The Faida di Montecchio reaches its peak during the proclamation of Romeo and Juliet, chosen among the many young ones who proposed themselves to play the two lovers’ role.

La Faida di Montecchio foto trothmans
Jazz Festival – Vicenza
Founded in 1996, the New Conversations – Vicenza Jazz, whose stage management has belonged to Riccardo Brazzale since the first edition, has stood out since the beginning among the European spring festivals, due to the peculiarity of the project. The event, which occurs in Vicenza, in Veneto, has gathered the participation of the most internationally renowned artists.
The exhibition, which happens in May, for 10 days, involves the historical locations of the Palladio’s town, Vicenza, a heritage stated by the UNESCO. Not for nothing, the event takes place in some quite spectacular locations such as the Olympic Theatre, which has been built in 1585 and it is, for this reason, the most ancient indoors theatre in the world. Not only this particular theatre, but also ancient palaces and churches, besides auditoriums and theatres, not to forget evocative places like Campo Marzo, Corso Palladio, and Piazza dei Signori, besides libraries, exhibition halls, museums, cinemas, shops, restaurants, and bars.
Jazz is a kind of music that has been historically considered as herald of innovations, and it is placed in a masterly manner within a context of classical spaces, like the Palladian ones, becoming in this way the main feature of the festival.
Mostra Tutankhamon
Endorsed by Marco Goldin, this new and wide expository project offered by the city of Vicenza, counts 115 works, divided into 6 different sections, each one relative to a different theme. Beginning with the Egyptians up to the most recent paintings, the image of the evening and the night will be represented to the entire history of art.
The first section, counting 22 Egyptian statues and finds discovered inside the pyramids, lingers on the meaning, for that culture, of the eternal and spiritual night, nevertheless so bound to life. At the center of the first section, the head of Tutankhamon, the child king, stands out.
Then, the second section, which contains many masterpieces from Tintoretto to Poussin, from Tizianoto El Greco, from Giorgione to Caravaggio, lingers on the evocative atmosphere given by the figures set up into nocturnal ambiences. In particular, it travels through the salient episodes of the Christ’s life, from his birth to the crucifixion and the laying down in the sepulchre. In the middle of this section, there are going to be extraordinary works mainly from the Sixteenth and the Seventeenth Century.
The third section, located in a hall containing 16 sheets, will show some of the highest example of the engraving art. Here, Rembrandt and Piranesi will be compared, the first with his famous religious themes, like the Tre croci, the second with the renowned images of the Carceri (jails).

Mostra Tutankhamon Caravaggio Van Gogh
Giro d’Italia
The famous cycle event called Giro d’Italia, historically organised by the Gazzetta dello Sport, counts many and relevant stops-over, turning these towns into the stage of the event.
Festa del Baccalà alla Vicentina
Staying at the wonderful eighteenth-century Locanda degli Ulivi, located in Arcugnano, district ofVicenza in Veneto, you will have the chance to take part into the Codfish Festival.
In fact, from the 18th to the 28th of September, every year the Codfish Festival occurs in Sandrigo, in the district of Vicenza, a swell moment of gathering. Besides the typical Codfish a la Vicentina with cornmeal mush, there will be many different dishes based on codfish to try, like the Risotto with Codfish, the Potato dumplings with Codfish from Posina, and the Bigoli al Torcio with Codfish from Limena.
In the evenings, the exhibition will be accompanied with dance, cabaret, and live music performances, besides exhibitions, and artisanship and wine-and-food expositions. The peak of the event is the investiture of new brothers by the Brotherhood of the Codfish, in a goliardic ceremony.
The new Prior, after having read the ritual formula, will issue the blessing through a large stockfish, and he will welcome the new brothers. The representatives of different wine-and-food brotherhoods and the partners of the Codfish Club will join with the knights of the Codfish into a parade.
Also, a group of representatives of the Røst fishermen will be there, from the Norwegian island of the Lofoten archipelago, where they fish the cod that becomes stockfish, after being dried in the cold wind.
The Codfish Festival is also an opportunity to know better a century-old cookery tradition and at the same time to discover a territory rich of culture and art. In fact, they organise guided tours to the oratories and the villas of the Sandrigo area, located in the District of Vicenza.
During the exhibition, they organise street markets, selling typical local and handcrafted products. The Codfish Festival will also liven up the alleys of the old town of Sandrigo, in the district of Vicenza, with folklore and music.