In January, in Albino, there is the BILIGOCC FESTIVAL. The biligocc are smoked and then boiled chestnuts. The smoking process lasts over 40 days, the chestnuts are then passed into the boiling water a few days before the festival. This specialty isn’t very famous, this is a great opportunity to enjoy it!
In March, in Bergamo, you can take part to the PARADE OF HALF LENT. It is a carnival parade, but unlike other regions of Italy, it takes place in the middle of the Lent. Floats and many masks enliven the streets of the town with joy and lightheartedness, but the most awaited moment is the large bonfire. On the bonfire there’s the “rasgament”, every year they burn an ugly part of the town, an unfinished or bad public work, a flaw, something that people consider bad.

Parade of Half Lent, Bergamo photo larassegna
In April, in Costa di Mezzate, there’s the MAGIC IN THE VILLAGE, an international festival for street artists. Dozens of artists from around the world perform in theater numbers, dance, magic, music, acrobatics and many other shows. The streets, squares, theaters, gardens will be the ideal stage for art.
In July, in Bianzano, there’s the THE COURT OF SUARDO, an historical re-enactment of the marriage of Giovanni Baldino Suardo and Bernarda Visconti, daughter of the Lord of Milan. It was then that the Bianzano Castle passed to John and some frescoes were made for the occasion and we can still admire them. Thousands of participants in costume will make us relive the atmosphere of 1367.
In August, in Cavernago, there’s the PALIO OF MALPAGA with many medieval games dedicated to men, women and children. There will be thousands of costumes, jesters and minstrels to entertain you, and you can see representations of ancient crafts and taste local products. All this in the beautiful surroundings of the Malpaga Castle.
In August in Bergamo, there’s the FESTIVAL OF ST. ALESSANDRO, patron of the town. There are the solemn mass in the cathedral, the costume parade with figures that bring the saint to the martyrdom, followed by many events, concerts and shows in the most important points of the town such as the Accademia Carrara. For the occasion there will be many guided visits to museums, the Civic Tower, Palazzo Frizzoni, and the Basilica.

Living Crib, Villongo photo visitbergamo
In December, in Villongo, there’s the LIVING CRIB. For almost twenty years the actors have been giving life to the crib, from the eve on December 24 until January 6. The nativity scene is surrounded by over 250 extras that make this moment even more touching. The living nativity scene has the free entry, but all the offerings are given each year to charities, to give a concrete meaning to Christmas.