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Flowers, sherries and philosophy in Emilia area

Staying at one of our beautiful properties in Emilia Romagna, you will be able to enjoy flowers, sherries and philosophy in Emilia area.


In April in Vignola there’s the Blossom festival, dedicated to the Cherry blossoms and to the Valle dei Ciliegi festival. This festival was born in the 70s and every year it attracts visitors from all over Italy. Vignola town becomes full of stands with beautiful flowers and you can admire the floral floats parades, each one dedicated to a different theme. The festival lasts for a few days and it includes some performances of local folk groups that animate the town roads. In the same days there’s the Market festival where you can discover the best handicrafts and food and where you can taste the traditional specialties.

festa-della fioritura

Festa della fioritura


In Riolunato in May there’s the Ladies’ May, an ancient manifestation during which the village men sing and play greeting sonnets. The entire village is lightened all the night and the families listen to the songs from the streets. Then, the families prepare a banquet and the girls have to bake the cakes to prove their cooking skills. There are also some beautiful parades with the typical costumes of the village.


On the first days of June, in Vignola, you can take part to the most important festival of this beautiful town: IT’S THE TIME OF CHERRIES 

If you love this delicious fruit, you can’t lose a festival where it is the protagonist, with the roads of the town centre full of farmers presenting different kinds of cherries, including the Mora di Vignola. There will also be many delicious dishes, as the giant tart, that is obviously filled with cherry jam and was given to the visitors in the last 2015 edition.


In September, in the old town’s square in Castelvetro, there’s the Living checkers game, a beautiful historical festival in which people play the checkers game with living pieces. The figures wear costumes from the sixteenth century and they enliven the game with a suggestive atmosphere, admired by many tourists. While the starters are busy in the game, the jesters help the figures to reach the right position in the huge chessboard. The checkers game is the culmination of a day full of celebrations, with the historical parade wearing renaissance clothes, to give birth to a truly spectacular festival.

La dama vivente foto castelmeteo

Dama vivente foto castelmeteo


In September in Modena there’s the PHILOSOPHY FESTIVAL. During three days the town becomes full of students coming from many high schools in Italy, they’re all busy in following the lessons in the square and philosophers’ seminars about a specific theme per year. In 2016 the theme will be the “competitive spirit” that will be the starting point for all the other events, including some performances and artistic events that attract about 200000 people every year.

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