During your stay in Casa dei Grilli, situated in Longiano, in Forlì Cesena district, in Emilia Romagna, you can visit fortresses and museums among the beauties of Romagna area.
In Longiano we can visit the Castle, built around the seventh century, was the residence of the Malatesta family who enlarged it over the centuries. Today the castle houses the Tito Balestra Foundation, a modern and contemporary art gallery that has more than 2,000 works, including paintings and sculptures.
The Petrella Theatre, dates back to the mid-nineteenth century. At its inauguration they represented the opera of Petrella “The Betrothed” and the theater was dedicated to the author. It has 500 seats and has been completely restored in the 80s.
The Sacred Art Museum houses various works of art, also includes relics, sacred objects, furnishings and vestments. Many items have been donated by the citizens over the years, as a votive offering. The Museum is located in the Oratory of St. Joseph.

Castle of Longiano
In Bertinoro there’s La Rocca, a medieval fortress built around the year 1000. Located on a rocky outcrop, was the center of a defensive system with walls and towers, it hosted Federico Barbarossa and many members of the Sforza and Borgia families. Now houses the University center.
The Town Hall was built in 1306. Among its facilities there are the People’s hall, the Magna hall and the fire hall. The palace overlooks Freedom Square, and offers a beautiful panoramic view.
The Road of the grape Harvest is a street in the town that houses a permanent exhibition focused on the theme of Harvest. The works represent different stages of the production process from the harvest to the wine.
The Town Hall of Cervia was built in the eighteenth century, at the beginning it was a priory palace. Among the most interesting parts of the second floor there’s the permanent exhibition dedicated to the paintings of Palanti and the exhibition of the photographer Crepaldi.
The Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta houses several works, such as the painting of San Paterniano, patron of the town, the painting of the Madonna of the Snow, and the high altar in polychrome marble.
The House of Butterflies is located in a beautiful park that is home to hundreds of species of tropical butterflies. It is a greenhouse that recreates an ideal environment for these butterflies, exotic flowers, carnivorous plants, banana trees and other typical vegetation. A little further there’s the house of insects that allows us to closely observe these fascinating animals.

Town Hall Cervia
In Verucchio we can visit the Rocca Malatestiana or “Rocca del Sasso”. Dates back to the twelfth century and was enlarged in the following centuries, during the visit we can see the Great Hall and the Dungeon. In the village we can also visit the Civic Tower and other bastions. In Malatesta square there’s the Giungi Palace, in seventeenth-century style.
In San Mauro there’s the birthplace of Giovanni Pascoli, a National Monument. The poet recalls his childhood and his family in many works, the house remains intact, kitchen with period furniture and objects that belonged to the family. Another room is devoted to exhibitions and shows.
In Sogliano we can visit the Palazzo Ripa – Marcosanti, which houses a rich collection dedicated to Vintage Disk and Poor Art. In addition there’s the beautiful Church of San Lorenzo.
The Fortress of San Leo, which gives the name to the village, is a medieval fortress which includes the keep, two towers and the surrounding walls. Is situated on a rocky outcrop and offers a great view.